Welcome to the website of All Saints' with St John's, Stamford. All Saints' is a large parish church right in the heart of Stamford.  We are part of the Church of England and our worship is within the Anglican choral tradition.  Please do come along to a service or visit our church which is open daily for private prayer.

Regular Services

10.00am on Sunday - Sung Eucharist 

5.30pm on Sunday - Evening Service 
Choral Evensong (second Sunday of the month)
Evening Worship (fourth Sunday of the month)  
For specific details, please see notices.

8.45am on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - Morning Prayer

10.00am on Thursday - Said Eucharist

Weekly Events at All Saints'

All Saints' Coffee Bar is on each Friday between 10-2pm.  Do pop in for great coffee or tea and homemade cake:

Coffee Bar

All Saints' warm space and soup kitchen is a welcome space, open every Monday at 11:00 at the Unity Centre and is free to use. 

Warm Space

Coming up soon

Come & Sing (Easter 2025) - Stainer's Crucifixion

Music at All Saints’

Music is a highly valued part of our worship and culture here at All Saints'. We offer opportunities to children, teenagers and adults to take part, with a programme of choral music, music education, events and recitals. Visit our Music page to find out more.

Choirs at All Saints' (2025)

Follow us on Facebook!  Church  |  Children & Youth  |  Choir